Most days,
this is the sweetest
and most sublime nectar
where I can never get enough
of tasting the juices
in this Love-making of togetherness
and the ways my animal body
rests entirely
in the fullness of belonging.
Other days,
the sharp cold and vast expanse
of distance and disconnection between us
and the familiar yet ancient grief-pains
greeting me through the gaze
of my Beloved
is a bitterness I struggle to swallow,
is a door I’m intimidated to walk through.
Yet I walk through,
with my whole heart,
and every time
I’m awakened and sensitized to the All
that is this gift of union:
the magic and mystery,
the tension, boredom, and bliss,
I find myself embracing
and being embraced
every more strongly
by the Beingness
that made all of this so.
© Alyona Kobevka